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The Benefits of Massage

Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue to reduce pain, tension and promote wellness. It is usually done by a trained professional.

Aside from the obvious physical benefits (loosening tight muscles and releasing knots), massage has many more healthful effects. Human touch initiates the release of oxytocin, which enhances social bonding and feelings of security and well being. Visit https://www.flowstate918.com/ to learn more.


Stress is a major contributing factor to numerous health problems, from high blood pressure and heart disease to digestive issues and weight gain. Adding massage to your regular self-care routine is a great way to combat stress and promote overall well-being. Massage reduces the levels of cortisol and adrenaline in your body, while stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system to trigger a relaxation response. This in turn lowers your blood pressure, relaxes tense muscles and relieves anxiety.

Studies have shown that incorporating massage into an already healthy lifestyle improves the quality of your life. For example, a study involving intensive care unit nurses found that those who had regular massages experienced less job-related stress than those who did not. This reduced stress led to higher morale and a more positive work environment.

Physical and mental stress can lead to muscle tightening which in turn leads to chronic pain. Massage increases muscle flexibility and stretches the fibers of the muscles to help release tension. It also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system which clears metabolic waste from the muscles. This helps to decrease the build-up of toxins that causes inflammation and increases pain in the muscles.

A massage can also boost your mood by increasing the production of serotonin, dopamine and other feel-good chemicals that regulate your emotions. This is why people experience a sense of happiness and well-being after a massage.

Another benefit of massage is its ability to speed up the healing process after an injury. This is because it improves the circulation of nutrients to the injured area, thus allowing your body to heal faster. It can also help to increase range of motion and remove adhesions that occur between muscle sheaths.

Aside from the instantaneous stress relief that is associated with a massage, it also teaches you to better manage your own stress. It makes it easier to cope with daily situations that might cause you discomfort and gives you a sense of control over your environment and responsibilities. Regular massages can also help you achieve a healthier lifestyle by encouraging a balanced diet and adequate rest.

Lowers Heart Rate

The relaxation response that massage creates helps lower your heart rate, a key factor in maintaining healthy blood pressure. This is because the reduced stress levels associated with massage lead to a decrease in adrenaline and norepinephrine, hormones that increase your blood pressure when released.

Studies have shown that massage lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Maintaining healthy blood pressure levels can significantly reduce a person’s risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

When your blood pressure is elevated, it increases the workload of your heart and arteries, which can cause damage to them over time. The increased systolic pressure causes narrowing of your arteries, which can restrict blood flow. This is called atherosclerosis and it can also lead to a number of other complications including stroke, kidney disease, and blindness.

A consistent massage regimen can help lower both your systolic and diastolic readings by improving blood circulation. The dilated blood vessels from the massage allow more oxygen to reach your body’s organs and tissues, resulting in less strain on your heart.

One study found that participants who received a 30-minute Swedish massage had a significantly lower heart rate and systolic blood pressure than those who did not receive a massage. The researchers attribute this to the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system which results in decreased BP, a decrease in heart rate, and lowered levels of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 (both inflammatory markers).

Another reason why massage lowers heart rate is that it relaxes your muscles, reducing your heart’s work load by taking away some of its responsibilities. Your muscles act as your bodyguards to your heart, and when they are tense, it can put additional stress on your heart and blood vessels. Massage can ease the tension in these muscles, helping to take some of the stress off of your heart.

Consider integrating massage into your self-care routine, especially during times of high stress. Treating it like a regular part of your health care can help you view it as an important aspect of your overall health, and can ensure that your heart stays in good condition.

Increases Blood Circulation

The circulatory system is the continuous movement of blood throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells while flushing waste products. Healthy circulation is vital for organ function, tissue repair, immune response and overall health. Massage has been shown to improve circulation by causing the blood vessels to widen. This is known as vasodilation and it allows for more blood to flow through the vessels while lowering your blood pressure. Cross fiber friction techniques are particularly effective for boosting circulation.

This increased blood flow aids in the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to muscles and tissues, thereby helping them recover from exercise more quickly. In addition, it reduces the buildup of lactic acid that causes delayed onset muscle soreness and helps your muscles to perform at their best.

In a study, researchers examined the effects of massage on the skin and intramuscular circulation in the knee area of healthy subjects. The participants either received a 5-minute massage or rested their limbs. They were then tested for changes in surface blood flow, skin temperature and subjective feelings of fatigue. The results of the study showed that massage had a positive effect on the skin blood flow and the intermuscular circulation of the knee area.

However, the exact mechanisms of this change are unclear. Some scientists believe that the mechanical stimulation of massage stimulates the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels to release nitric oxide, which increases the diameter of blood vessels and promotes vasodilation. Another theory is that the rhythmic squeezing and releasing action of massage stimulates a muscular pump effect, which causes venous and lymphatic vessels to increase in size and propel the blood back toward the heart.

Another aspect to consider is that the best time for your body to widen its blood vessels is when it’s warm, which is why a good massage should start with a thorough warming up of the muscles. Some experts also believe that the deep kneading and stroking motions of massage help to push the blood through the vessels, improving circulation even further.

Increases Endorphins

When the pressure receptors in your skin are stimulated during massage, they send a message to the brain to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins, oxytocin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters boost your mood and give you a natural high, similar to what you experience when you exercise and receive the “runner’s high.” They also help to reduce pain and promote muscle recovery.

The morphine-like effect from the endorphins helps to block pain signals in the brain, which is why you often feel so blissful after your REMassage session. This explains why many people report a slight groggy feeling and a lightheaded sense of well-being when they leave the treatment room, as though they are walking on clouds or floating in euphoria.

As the levels of oxytocin and dopamine increase in your bloodstream, the stress hormone cortisol decreases. This is a good thing since too much cortisol can cause you to hold onto belly fat, and it can also reduce your immune system’s effectiveness.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are another set of hormones that impact the autonomic nervous system and the fight-or-flight response. High levels of these can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, cause hypervigilance and anxiety and make it hard to sleep or cope with daily problems. Too little of these hormones can cause you to feel sluggish and lethargic. Massage lowers the levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine in your bloodstream, which causes them to reset to a more normal level, giving you energy and helping you to cope with everyday problems.

When you’re experiencing a chronically stressful life, massage can help. Research shows that it rebalances your hormone levels by increasing endorphins and serotonin while decreasing cortisol, which can cause depression and anxiety. This is why it’s important to get a regular massage to prevent stress-related illnesses and maintain healthy levels of these hormones.

The best way to keep the body healthy is to stay active and get plenty of rest, but sometimes it’s just not possible. Massage is a great way to relax and get a better night’s sleep, which can help improve mood and lower the risk of stress-related diseases. It also decreases post-activity muscle pain and shortens the duration of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), making it a great tool for athletes to use in their training.


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